Working With Zoning and Wetland Constraints to Maximize Space and Appeal Location: East Gloucester Client: Steven McCarthy, GC CHALLENGE: An existing foundation, zoning and wetland constraints presented a challenge in creating a two family that fit into the quaint look of the surrounding neighborhood. A box-like structure would maximize the available square footage, but would make the building unattractive and out of character. SOLUTION: By making the structure as tall as permitable by code, we created a very usable third floor office or bedroom for each unit, as well as cantilevering the building over the wetland areas. This increased the building square footage by approximately thirty percent, which allowed for greater creativity and individual detail in designing the structure without losing space. Through the use of decks, deck roofs and other shingle style details to add horizontal movement to the building, we added contextual character that fit well into the surrounding neighborhood.

"For such a knowledgeable and skilled architect, Rob is very approachable and unassuming. He understood my perspective as a contractor and my goals as a property owner, and enhanced my ideas. When we started this project, I was working with a maximum space of 1,200 sq. ft., and Rob came back with a 1,600 sq.ft. plan that was both esthetically unique and cost-effective to implement." –Steve McCarthy